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Can I clarify Amelia's situation with the spider and the slime? On Discord, it was mentioned: '(Disruption event: will control Amelia if she masturbates too frequently)' and '(Disruption event: Reacts negatively to Amelia struggling too much, will restrain Amelia (bondage))'.

Does this mean that Amelia will have no say in the matter and the slime will take complete control of her? Similarly, does the spider restrain her so thoroughly that escape becomes impossible?

Also, regarding the slime, will Amelia be completely immobilized inside it, or is the effect temporary? Would she require assistance from Fitria, or would she need to perform specific actions, like 'rubbing the walls,' to escape?

Finally, at the start of the game, when Amelia has only encountered the bear, could she, for example, meet Fitria if she spends a few days inside a stomach?

As it's a game, and without spoiling any ideas I have, it will always be possible for Amelia to escape a situation.  Player will need to figure out how to, but it wouldn't be very fair to just have an impossible situation thrown at them with no warning.

I am open to an idea like needing a Consensual Predator's help to escape an Apex Predator if I can find the right motives for it to make sense.  I have not planned out Slime girl that far ahead to know if that's the direction I'll go yet.

Consensual Predators have a bias towards predators they have not fed recently, which means all Consensual Predators will visit all Apex Predators at some point.  They first tend to find the Apex Predators closest to them, then are less likely to revisit unless all other Apex Predators have eaten them once.  So it may take longer than a few days to achieve, but you could meet all Consensual Predators eventually if you have Amelia stay prey to one Apex Predator.


 wonderful game, very good work. I want to give an idea for the game that I think would be interesting and liked by people. The idea is why don't we have a way to turn Amelia into a predator through the player's choices and give her the option to eat others?

Love your game. ❤️❤️

do you have an idea if it will be early January orcalte January when the update will be

I think the game will require at least 3 weeks of solid hours put into it to reach the next update.  Good news is I did finally get a good chunk done today, just need at least 20 more of those.  Mid-January at the very best, but after not working on it for over a month I can't make any promises that I can keep to a schedule yet.

ok thank you yo do amazing work

what version of the game will be the last? how many predators, fairies and prey will there be?

The game is at about the halfway point development-wise.  This is more thoroughly explained in #about-game channel of the Discord server, would take too long to post it all here.

Hey, I'm a huge fan of your game and have been following it since 0.5. Is there maybe a preview or something for 1.0?

I have some images posted on the Discord server I run for this game (#teasers channel).  A link to this server can be found in-game on the main menu's 'Support the dev and social' button.


When update will come?

Can't give an accurate date as I've been slacking lately.  Once I get serious and back to work on it, I would know better.


How done is it now

Been playing a lot of video games and not working on the game lately.  I'll get serious and back at it soon.

Can you maybe teach how to make a game like this on Unity

Technically, the answer is yes, but this is a very large task that I don't have time for so I can't.  I would suggest you look up tutorials for Unity, as anything I could teach you is most likely done better by someone else already.  There's a lot of free resources out there; try to find one that's easy to follow and does something very basic like a game of pong.  

If you do follow a tutorial and it clicks for you, I would then look up some fundamentals regarding C# coding language like object-oriented programming.  I think with at least 100 hours of effort, you can reach a point where you can consider starting your own game by using what you learned.  You should give it a try; it is very satisfying when I solve a problem for my game through code.

And I can't get out of the predator's hawk, what should I do? 

press struggle and when the mouth is in the shape of "[" and she closes one eye try to get out

Is it possible to become a predator?

Yes, but probably not in the way you're asking about.  There is a Fairy in-game that Amelia gets to eat, but otherwise, Amelia is not able to eat others.

When update will be? sorry to ask this

Last few weeks have been pretty slow.  I've been playing a lot of video games lately.  I think things will pick up again soon, though.  Earliest is likely January.

Everyone asks when but i am curious: WHAT Will be the next update

Apex Feral Turtle, and Consensual Mermaid.  2 water Predators for the next update.

Please add in future updates unbirth and anal vore and exit

So after playing this I've got questions and a couple complaints.

First off Energy- Is there a way to increase you max Energy past 8.0 and I'm just missing it? Because ho boy that limit is brutal when I'm trying to escape... Anything and when I just make it to the end but RNG just decides I lose my grip and slide back one state... Which results in me having to give up, take an extended rest, and hope I still have time to try again. And that's before attempting the Essence gathering.

That's really my only complaint so far.

In all honesty I can't wait to see more Apex and Consensual preds added to the game and extensions to current preds (I'm a bit disappointed you can't stay in the Lamia's human belly with another prey though, or have two prey in the Feral Snake at once.)

Do you plan to add Driders/Arachne's and Slime Girls to this game though? I would love to see them... But I think the spiders might require an arachnophobia mode for some people

Thanks for the feedback, glad you seemed to enjoy the game.

There is not a way to increase energy past 8, and I don't think future Fairies will add this either.  Though I'll know better once I'm actually in the process of adding them.  The current Fairy does increase max Mood and Drive, so I suppose it would make sense in a way to have at least one Fairy help out here.  Next release should have difficulty settings for Normal or Casual mode, or if players want something in between can do Custom mode and set each setting to what they like.  There will be an option for instant escape where just pressing the button will get Amelia out.  Until then, the other option would be to enable the Debug menu and use it to increase energy while escaping if you'd like to attempt another escape right away, or make sure you have enough for the current attempt.

Yes, Drider and Slime girls are planned to be added.  Not sure about an arachnophobia mode for just one predator, but I may at some point make the game more customizable by having an option for each predator to be allowed or hidden.

A difficulty setting would very much be helpful during escape and essence gathering. Mainly just to offset my poor luck when RNG just decides- No.

I've also noticed in previous comments you planned to make the game Open Source so modders can add in things. Do you plan to add instructions or some form to help people (at the bare minimum) add new characters? I'm no artist but my battles with Kuro Ai are definitely getting some interesting results.

Yeah that'd be in the plans at some point.  Once the game is near completion, I can make a list of some sort that explains my process.  To add new logic would be tough (the unique things that some predators have, like Succubus checking every 3-4 hours to see if her prey is active enough), but if you don't mind copy/pasting the behaviors a current predator has, then the process of adding a new predator should be easy enough to explain.  I just have no idea how modular or easily sharable it would be; I don't think the game has the ability to not exist as one whole piece.  The game currently does not have a way to load a character from outside of itself.  If a modder were to supply everything required for a new character, anyone playing it would need to download the whole game to see it unless new logic is added for this.  Not sure if I'm explaining this right, it's a bit late here.


okay what the fuck im suppose to do when i walk to steps and i get eaten by a demon


It seems you have discovered a hidden game mechanic. I have never encountered stairs or demons


dont be smartass


Be polite maybe -- you sorta started that one.. 'smart ass'.


I didn't mean to be rude, sorry if it sounded that way.

Okay first off, damn the Succubus found you fast. 

Secondly once eaten you have to start managing your stats, Rest to recover a little energy, Extended Rest to recover full energy, Brood to recover Drive, and Meditate to recover Mood. However there is a chance these actions can fail if the Pred is awake. If Mood and Drive are low that just makes things harder.

Next is to Rub Walls or Struggle- if these interactions are successful then you Technique and Vigor will rise by .1 with each respective action, up until the stat has gain a total of 1.0 per pred.

Technique will increase the odds of success for an escape attempt, and Vigor will decrease the Energy cost for the attempt- Though be aware RNG will be RNG.

Escaping a pred will require you to wait until they go to sleep, so you have plenty of time to build your stats. 

Thankfully the Succubus is easy to escape from, build stats and wait for her to sleep. Others won't be as easy.

still prety hard at leest the creator can add a cheat mode to help or add a galery to see all the scenes


Would you you say like 50 % done sorry if bothering you

Perhaps, with a margin of error of about 5 points.  

I know it's much slower than previous updates, but slow and steady for now.


Ok thank you

How do you unlock the sheep girl?

Every Consensual Predator is the same: meet them inside of an Apex Predator stomach.  You can use 'Predator Info' button in-game to see her current location (whether outside, or if eaten will say by who)

So i found Erinna, now i can't escape, ive been trying everything except start a new game, any tips?

Yes.  If you click 'Help' button in-game, there's a section called 'Predator Tips - Spoilers' that has tips on every predator.  Find the page for Erinna and it should explain everything.  If it doesn't, I can elaborate further and consider updating the tip

А как найти фею?

This information is available in-game at Help > Tips Spoilers:

1. Experience 2 willing scenes with predators

2. At least 10 in-game days have passed

Hello, how do I get out of Erinna?

Vague tip: Pay attention to the expression Erinna is making, also pay attention to the diary entries as it describes how Erinna is doing.  She is an energetic predator, so even while asleep, she will be quick to react to an escape attempt if she's in a comfortable state.

For a more direct explanation and potential spoilers, you can read the in-game tip page for Harpy to understand.  All predators and their somewhat hidden interactions are mentioned on their tip pages.  Help > Predator Tips - Spoilers > find the predator you want info on.

Nothing at all, I’ve been trying to get out of it for three hours now, I’ve tried a bunch of combinations and that’s why I’m writing.

Erinna is the sheep.

Yes, the same one.

Oh right, doy.  My advice is mostly the same, minus the visual changes as I was thinking of Harpy.  Pay attention to the diary entries, or read the tip page.

Collecting essence from lamia seems impossible. It's definitely too hard. I have a question about the final boss. Is it available now and how many essences do you need to fight it? Will getting out of the boss end the game?

Final boss is not available yet, the game is still mostly a sandbox-type game for now.  Once the final boss is added then the game will have a conclusion, though after beating the final boss I will likely require the player to walk back to the diary space, allowing predators to be re-visited (including the final boss) and ending the game when desired.

Can you add a game mode with indestructible bikini?


That can be easily done.  I'd probably make this a debug menu option, would that suffice?

~Eventually, once the appropriate character is added, there will be a way to maintain the bikini while in a stomach, but until then only way would be with this potential debug option.


Yes. The debug menu option is sufficient.


How done can you say it


Maybe 42%?  I've really slowed down and am taking my time for now.


Sorry for asking but, what about now? How much os done?

Maybe 45%.  Finished some images, but still slow going.

Do you plan to add digestion to the game?

No plans to add digestion.


sounds sad


Add sounds please for all preds

Maybe at some point.  It's a low priority for me as I really worry about the game becoming worse if it's done wrong.

I ask about sounds because without them game feels little unfinished


Can you add mermaid in next update


Yes, a Mermaid is part of the next update.

Can i ask is mermaid be like lamia with two stomach or not


Yes, two stomachs.

will there ever be a very difficult predator that will have 4 stomachs or more

Maybe?  I guess it depends on your definition of 'very difficult', but I have some ideas for 4+ stomachs.

is the game about 50-60% done?

Not quite.  Haven't made much progress lately, felt like I needed a break and started a different coding project.  I am working on images today so progress isn't 0, just that it's hard to keep the same pace I've maintained up until recently.  The large amount of image generation and writing is causing burnout, I need some other outlet to stay productive.  Expect updates to come out slower as I have my attention split (at least for now).

Hey will there be another predator with two stomachs like a centaur?


Yes there will be, and yes Centaur will be a predator with multiple stomachs.

Will you add player vore cos i want to eat some of those creatures to


Afraid not.  If you'd like to see just the images of that, there are some images in the gallery available of Amelia with a big stomach and Consensual Predators as solo prey; could construct an image like that there.


Do you have an aproximent date for next update?


Not yet.  Hit another lull period.  I'd say current progress towards next update is around 35% complete.


Ok thank you

(2 edits) (+2)

Will you add unbirth aswell? Like Amelia need to make 100% relationships with predator, and based on if fairy is with her or not she will be regressed 


I've no plans to add that.  Game will be open source once I'm finished and if someone else would like to add something like that they can.



Would you consider adding sounds to the game? (sfx/voices/music) I think it could be good if done well.


Maybe at some point, kind of a low priority thing for now.  I had someone express interest in helping with this, if that happens that'd help speed it along.


A recommendation I think would be good is if the requirements for an action were displayed when hovering over an option. It can get pretty frustrating to have all of your options suddenly get grayed out for no apparent reason.


This is a bit more difficult than it sounds to implement if we're talking about all buttons.  Only thing I can think of that would grey out all buttons would be having Amelia not sleep for 25+ hours.

Do you remember which buttons or where Amelia was when this happened to you?  I can probably allow main buttons to be pressed while sending a diary saying it failed instead, though I don't know how helpful that would be and if it might just clutter and confuse what's going on.

(1 edit)

Hi, I like this game, I wanna ask some question about this game:

1. How can I collect fairy's scene in gallery? 

2. Will you make anal vore, unbirth or other vore? I think only oral vore is a bit boring

3.Will you make new pred in deep water?

4.Will you let Amelia can vore consensual pred?

1. To fully unlock a Fairy's gallery, you need to collect 4 essence.  Each essence collected will unlock about 1/4 of that Fairy's gallery.

2. Sticking to Oral only with a few exceptions (Slime girl > liquid form)

3. Yes.  Next update will be adding 2.

4. Not during gameplay.  You can go into the gallery and find pictures of Amelia with a big belly and Consensual Predators as only prey if you want to construct an image this way.

Thanks for your reply!

Is there a way to transfer save files between android and windows or are they incompatible? Love the game btw, keep up the great work!


Yes, though I don't have exact instructions.  When you plug your phone into your PC using a USB cable, it acts like a storage device.  If you can locate where the save file is supposed to go on both devices, you can easily transfer them that way.

Saves are .json files; the way the game saves is done the same across all platforms.

When is the next upd

Still too early to tell.  Next update will add 2 characters so it'll take more than a month from previous update to finish.

Amelia's Stranded Adventure is truly an immersive game with an amazing atmosphere! The world is fascinating, and the variety of characters makes it hard to stop playing. However, I thought it could be interesting if there was a predator in the game that even Bunny Girl would be powerless against. To escape from its insides, the character would need to bring both "mood" and "drive" down to 0 – this would add an exciting element to the gameplay.

I also have a question: why can't Bunny Girl and Amelia feed Sheep Girl together? It would be interesting to see Bunny Girl in a more helpless situation.

Looking forward to future updates! The game has enormous potential!

P.S. Can Bunny Girl rescue Amelia from the inside of a snake or lamia by squeezing her out like glue from a tube?

I might have an idea for one Consensual Predator that cannot escape, but to apply to all would make the game pretty limiting.  Consensual Predators moving around is important I think.

I've no plans to add a scene like described where Bunny girl helps Amelia escape by squeezing from the outside.  At the end of development, I plan to release everything and let it go open source, so maybe there's a chance then that someone else will add it.

Will there be one where we can go into the uterus or basically one with a pregnant girl

Closest thing to that might be Spider girl who will probably do abdomen vore for one of her scenes.

How will the situation with Spider-Girl's womb be? Will it be possible for Amelia to get out of it whenever she wants, or will Spider-Girl release her at will? Or are you going for a more realistic approach by adding elements like the uterine membrane and mucus plug, meaning Amelia will have to wait until she's 'born' to get out?


Would still have Amelia end up in a stomach, it'd just be a different method for it.  I'm not interested in that part of the fetish, also the AI art at this time isn't able to be as accurate as you describe anyway.


Your game is cool. It's nice to see how game grow. The sheep girl is beautiful. Who will be next? And will be in the plans spider- girl and centaur? 


Next up is 2 water predators: Feral Apex Turtle and Consensual Predator Mermaid.

Yes, there are plans for Spider girl and Centaur.

So quick question how do you get out of the sheep girl I've been stuck for 40mi

When stuck, the answer should be available on that predator's tip page.  If the info there isn't sufficient, I can explain further and consider updating that page.

When are the fairies coming to the game 

Love the game tho

(1 edit)

One fairy is already in-game.  The others will still take some time; fairies are worked on over many updates slowly instead of all at once.


Hey ZingyASA, 

The new update is really good. I really enjoy the sheep girl a lot. I wanted to suggest to maybe add specific pictures the consensual predators eating Amelia cause they all look the same. I think it would be even more enjoyable if they all look unique in their on way. It would also be really funny if they sheep girl could eat another consensual predator since she is bigger than the other two. I hope my suggestions will taken into consideration. Keep up the good work!

(1 edit)

May depend on the situation, but because Consensual Predators tend to have 3x the amount of images an Apex Predator does, I do need to take shortcuts in some areas to help speed up the process.  I thought Sheep girl had a fair number of unique images to her, definitely more so than Bunny girl has.

No plans at this time to have Consensual Predators eat each other, Amelia is uniquely qualified for that prey role.

Completely understandable, game development is very time consuming afterall. I love your game!!!

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