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(2 edits)

Do you have any plans of adding the option of the player being a Pred?

Only in very specific circumstances related to Fairies once they get added.  Besides Fairies, Amelia will not be able to be a pred.

Ok thank you.

is there a way to download older versions of the game

There isn't an available way to download older versions.  I do still have each version on my computer, but when a new version is ready I didn't see much reason to keep the older versions available for download.

Is there a particular reason you need an older version?

I was going to go through and play the older versions of the game

What will the faries do if you dont mind me asking

The purely functional purpose they would serve that I'm pretty much set with is:

1. To offer alternate internals while Amelia is the only prey (will offer the ability to fuse with the fairy, totally optional and can be ignored if not interested.  Would offer some small bonuses, but nothing required.)

2. Unlock a different part of the game and incentivize that Amelia is prey long enough to collect 'essence' from each predator, which will be needed to unlock the final boss.

3. Also as an optional support for Amelia.  Fairies will only become Amelia's prey, and while prey to Amelia they can have commentary and also update on the progress of essence collection.  The fairies will be tiny, so this won't affect the external images at all as Amelia's stomach will stay flat.

I'll add an option to mute/ignore the Fairy for anyone who might not be interested at all in them.  Having Amelia eat one will be required to beat the game, but beyond that I'll try to keep it pretty flexible just in case some find it bothersome that Amelia isn't 100% prey.


Hey Zingy, after playing through the last couple updates, I figured it would only be right of me to offer my praise. This game is great! Love the work you are putting in here and the quality, rest assured, is not wasted upon us. Much thanks for your hardwork on this project! Always looking forwards to seeing anythin at all from you. Once again, fantastic work!

Thanks!  I'm a little disappointed with some of the game-breaking bugs that got through with the last update, but I will continue to do what I can to improve.

Eh, I can understand why that would be annoying from a developer's perspective with all the time and effort you put in. I do think it is important to be proud of your work, even if it is a little bit buggy. To be honest, when I encounter them, I'm not too bothered. I understand that it's tough and a lot of work making a game and I have no business being annoyed when it's being produced for free! All I know is, I'm gla you enjoy working on this project and that I am able to enjoy it myself as updates come out!


Will there be lamia and arachne?


Yes to both.  Lamia is currently being worked on.  Arachne is going to take a while to add though, some other predators need to be released first.

Eh, despite the fact that the game hasn’t been released yet, it’s already great.

 I wanted to ask about adding sounds and translation into different languages other than English.

thank you in advance (Using Google Translate)


(1 edit)

Thanks!  It's mostly playable, might as well release the content as it's available instead of waiting a long time and all at once.

I looked into using Google Translate while the game is running, but it is not free.  It might be possible to copy/paste and translate it just once instead of as needed, but there's so many languages to worry about and I don't have the time to do it.  I will release the game in full at the end which should allow anyone direct access to the dialogue to translate.  

If you know of a online translation tool that is free I would gladly add it to the game.

As a native Russian speaker, I can help adequately translate English into Russian using Google Translate, since Google Translate translates with errors for my language, so not all Russian speakers understand the meaning without corrections.

After spending some hours looking into possible solutions, I've come up empty.  The only one that seems straight forward is to have the Unity project available and allow direct access to the scripts containing dialogue for direct editing.  Although this is the intention once the game is complete, to do this for every version of the game would be very time consuming and get messy.

I really tried to find a way to make a single file available containing all dialogue to edit and then have the game use this file.  This method, if possible, would allow someone like yourself to translate the game to your desired language then the game would read this file and use that language.  I could not find an easy way to do this though.  All files are compiled when the game is built and this becomes impossible to do without using tools to reverse the process, which the end result is the same as above where you get the Unity project.

I appreciate the offer, but I can't think of a way to easily do this in a timely fashion.  Maybe poor coding on my end, as I am learning as I go.  If there's something I can do to offer a solution I can consider it, but it would need to be something that doesn't take a lot of time and can easily keep up with the game as it grows.  If each update is going to require a lot of time and effort involved to keep the translation, then I simply won't be able to keep up.

There are tools that can take images of your screen and translate it, might that help you?  Not the best solution, but until the game is fully complete it might be the best middle ground for some translation.  I haven't used these tools before so I can't really explain them, but while looking for solutions, I did see these programs.  I'll mention their existence just in case it can be a solution.

Try Yandex Translator, it is much better suited for Russian translations.

It almost looks promising, but at the end of the day, use of their API still requires a monthly fee.  I would need a solution that relies on the user instead of me I think.  If it's possible to let others sign up for an API key and input it into the game to translate, that may work, though I would need to be very careful that it doesn't break terms of service or cause legal troubles.

I might just be dumb but i havent run into the bunny girl yet in the latest update, even though ive searched the whole map, and have camped out at her home space, am i doing something wrong?

Consensual Predators need to be met inside of Apex Predators.  You can check out the 'Predator Info' button at the bottom in-game to see where they're currently located.  

There is also a bug with the latest version regarding the Snake.  If you try to meet an unknown Consensual Predator while they are prey to Snake it basically breaks the game.  If you have done this, a Simple Load will fix it.  

Okay, thank you!

I have had the same issue with the neko however she hasn't been by a predator except once by snake

I actually learned recently that a Simple Load might not actually fix it if what you're saying is this issue persists after a Simple Load.  Next update will fix this.

If the save file is really important to you and if you are able to edit your save file in something like a Notepad, if you go into it, look at the stuff saved for Consensual Predators, and change 'allowedToMove' to true I believe this will fix it.  Otherwise you will have to start a new game.

Hopefully next update won't be as rough!  At the early part of development, Consensual Predators were coded just enough for Bunny girl to work, but now that a 2nd one exists, some glaring issues got through.  

Ill just start a new one i got everything done except for neko so ill do that 

after starting a new game i found the neko almost immedietly

Fantastic game already Zingy, I'm excited to see what else you'll implement into the game. Without being in full release it is already a great development and something to be proud of.

What other preds are you considering adding? Is a Slime Girl/Monster in consideration?

It's a bit lengthy to post here, but I do have a roadmap with most of the predators to be added on it which is available on the Discord server for this game (link available on the main menu in-game by clicking the Social button on the right).

Slime Girl is one of the planned predators.

(1 edit)

What are the plans for the faries? I have seen some coments and you mentioned it. Also, good game

I think I have a good idea how to implement them, but it still is in a bit of a planning phase so I can't say exactly.  I'm pretty confident they won't get their own update, I will just add them in with other predator updates when ready.

ok, thanks

Are there plans for adding digestion or is that not being considered? The game is amazing either way and I hope to be able to support it in the near future


I don't intend to add digestion.  When the game reaches completion I will release everything and if someone else would like to add onto the game at that point it could be possible.

Okay,I was just curious because of some of the dialog and it made me think that there might be "game over* with digestion

(1 edit)

Let Amelia vore Neko girl she is smaller than Amelia

Even so, Amelia just isn't capable of same size vore since she isn't from this world.

Amelia will get a chance to be a predator at some point when fairies get introduced.

could you also add diferent types of vore like anal vore unbirth

There are no plans to do so.

how to escape neko girl!

spam struggl

Bro how many time?

Spam what?? Which button? I tried it and it not work

You can get out by either struggling or escaping.  For the best odds of success, you should get your mastery with Neko girl to 100% by gaining a full point in Vigor and Technique with her.  You can confirm you have this done by checking the Predator Info screen. 

Make sure Amelia isn't in a willing mood or else all attempts at escape won't work, as she will be more interested in pretending and acting like she wants it without actually making a full effort.

i did 100%, and i try like both alot but it doesn't work. Do i have to try it so many time?

If the struggle button says pretend struggle, then you need to press the cramped button instead until your mood lowers enough to return it to a regular 'struggle'. From there, just spam it over and over again and you'll get out, which shouldn't take too long. Took me a bit to realize this and I spent a few in-game weeks stuck inside trying escape and ask to be let out to no avail. Thought that maybe the chat she had with Fitria when I was depressed would make her let me out but she doesn't seem to give a shit.

okay that how

will you put out a game of this game with the only change being that you play as a male?

(1 edit)

I won't personally be doing it, but the plan is to release the game in it's entirety, source code and project included, so if someone else would like to expand upon the game once it's complete it should be possible!

Can i ask, how to escape neko girl?

(1 edit)

О! я поддерживаю добавление ламии, да так чтоб она была как зайка или лучше 2 ламии одна хищьник авторая добрая подруга 

(1 edit) (+1)

Translation of what he said.
Oh! I support the addition of a lamia, so that it will be like a bunny or better 2 lamias one predator and the other good friend .

Да я тоже русский

о! Это круто👍


Lamia has won the poll, so she will indeed get added next!

Ух ты это очень круто!! Большое спасибо!!

(1 edit)

I love this game so much but i have a question, i remember that you said that a much smaller monster gril will be added to be a pray to Amélia and i want to ask, what update she will come?


I don't have an exact plan for when that is yet, but it's definitely on the list for 'soon-ish' (meaning within maybe 5 updates).  I would want her ready before the mid-point of the game.

(1 edit)

Dude this is awesome, thanks for making it, im excited to see what comes of it in the future! Any chance we could get some kind of like 20" tall giantess pred at some point? Also I'm really excited to see the lamia!


Thanks!  A giantess pred is planned, though I think I can safely say that this one might take a while, as unfortunately timed as that may be.   She will be the final boss, and I think most of the rest of the game and its predators will need to be complete before that can be ready.

Awesooome! Do you have a patreon link or is it only subscribestar? Id like to support this project

(1 edit)

Also how do i get in the discord to see the roadmap?

There are links in-game to both Discord and SubscribeStar (I didn't bother with Patreon since it seems they crack down on certain content).  I forget the exact name of the button, but on the main menu there is a button for 'Support' with links in it.  Thanks for your interest!

Okay ill check it out thanks!

Really good concept hop it sees more updates

Thanks!  My goal is to do at least one update a month and the next update is well underway, so check back later!

(1 edit)

БОЛЬШОЕ ВАМ СПОСИБО!!! Заваши сторония! Я обязательно дождусь обновления, ведь успех этой игры превосходят мои ожидание, есчё раз вам удачи!!!

And please can you add sound

I'm not entirely opposed to adding basic sounds, but I think I do need more feedback in general since this request could mean a lot of things.  My main worry is if not done right it'll just make the experience worse.  What kind of sound do you have in mind?

Struggle sounds and belly sounds

more sounds from the predator when youre inside the stomach. there isnt a limit for that^^ something like a moan or a giggle

Yes some soft belly gurgles, muffled giggles from pred, stuff like that would be awesome

Or Anal Vore

Can you add in weight gain and digestion please for cat girl and succubus

I have no plans to go beyond safe oral vore for this game.  I will make this game open source once I'm done with it, and if someone would like to expand upon what the game has then at that point maybe someone else might add it.

is it possible to make bunny girl and amelia both be in the snake?

It is not possible, they have to take turns.  It could be fun, but even that I have to limit in scope.  There's plenty of opportunity to have Amelia share a stomach with someone else, so I thought it'd be more fun if the interaction was done a bit differently.  A Lamia will get added eventually, and I plan to have that be where the Lamia can eat 2 prey at once.

Fantastic game so far! Any plans to include different vore types like unbirth or anal?



Due to time constraints, I have no plans to add other vore types.  I will be making this game open source once I'm done with what I want to do so maybe some time further on someone else might be able to!

When will the next u update be

Just so happens to be kind of soon!  Either today or tomorrow.  All the content is ready, but I am doing extensive testing today and fixing any bugs I run into to make sure the game is working with nearly no issue.

(1 edit)

i love this game and i want to will update this month?


The game will update sometime in March, yes.  Just hang tight, it'll be ready when it's ready.

Ok thanks...(he or she or none?)


So...what do you plan for this update?i am exited!


The best information for that is on the Discord server I run for this game.  A link to it can be found in-game; on the main menu there's a button for Social.

A quick summary though is that work is currently being done on a feral Snake Apex Predator.  New internals and a bit of a different encounter type compared to other predators to look forward to.

Deleted 1 year ago

Where will she live?


Will there be a "digest" slider in the settings? It's just that the scenes feel somehow incomplete and do not show the process itself, but how to do just an increase in the level of fluid in the stomach, perhaps it will go against the style of the game, but still I would like it to happen and, let's say, take 2-3 days

The game's focus is going to be on safe vore/endosomatophilia.  It's my favorite vore type, and I have to keep a limited scope if I ever want the game to reach completion

It might not seem like a big thing to add, but each predator already has 8k+ words of dialogue along with 40-130ish images depending on how in-depth I go with it.  If I add digestion, it could potentially double the workload.  I will make the game open source when I'm done with it and if someone would like to add extra features to the game at that point they would have my blessing.


Can you explain in a dumb way how to get a scene with a bear?

Well there's quite a few swallowing scenes to see.  Do you mean where to find the bear?  There is a in-game guide on all predators available, check out the 'Help' button in-game and find the button that has Predators on it.

Shown in-game, but the coordinates for the bear are (-5, 2), so if you go left from the starting space with the diary on it you should have no problem finding the bear.

(1 edit)

No, I meant that how to get the special bear scene I have already found and increased all the stats by 100%, just the bear is the only one I haven't gotten this scene from yet

Edited, for some reason I don't have this page in the directory only 4 pages 1 basics 2 girl cat 3 succubus 4 girl rabbit

Did you go into settings and set Feral to 'Disabled'?  When Feral is disabled, the tip for all feral predators (bear) is deleted to keep that menu more direct.  If you have Feral 'Enabled' and Bear menu is missing then this might be a bug and good to know about.

To get willing scene with the bear, you just need to escape then use the buttons that have Amelia stay.

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Oops I did just look into this and the game is deleting the screen with Bear information on it regardless of the setting.  Sorry about that!  This tip screen will be available for v0.5.

I like the game very mutch so....i have a question...wil there be another tipes of vore like:anal.unbirth,absortion...?

I have one instance of absorption planned with a Slime girl predator.  All other planned vore will be oral.


(1 edit)

Where is the Bear exactly? Been looking for a while

(1 edit)

He is on the mountain on left


This game is really good. I have a quick suggestion though, is it also possible to let us eat the bunny girl in certain situations?


If I had more time I would consider this, but I need to keep the scope of the game in mind so as far as how the game goes functionally I don't think I'll be adding any majorly new concepts like this.  For simplicity and time, Amelia will be prey like 99% of the time if she's involved in a vore encounter.

(2 edits)

What about that 1%?

Amelia won't be capable of same-size vore, but a much smaller monster girl will get added at some point.  

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

Okay, that's understandable. Can the 1% be when a consensual enters the apex while Amelia's already in there? If not then that's cool

Also, do you know when you'll add newer encounters or new content? Not trying to rush anything, just curious. Again, amazing game

I expect the next update to be ready by early March, and each update has a whole new predator.  It's hard to predict the timing of each release exactly, but I tend to get more accurate with each update.

Okay cool, looking forward to it.  Also, will the area be expanded? or no

It's likely to be for the next update?  Can't say for certain yet though.  Map will expand as needed.

(1 edit) (+1)

I like the game very mutch there a day for a update?

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I try to aim for within a month of each release to release the next update, but if I had to guess the next update might be a few days late of this goal.  If all I had to do each update was work on the content this would be easy, but there is still work to be done on quality of life stuff and bugs so until those run out the releases may be inconsistent.



maybe a jungle biom with Lamia pred? or tigeress

Lamia is on the roadmap I have on the Discord server for this game, and she will be on a 'Deep Forest' tile when she gets added.  Question is when, as there's a long list of predators to add, but eventually!


how to get the kinky bear scene?

That one requires Amelia to be willing to bear, and either start the encounter or do the willing scene after sleeping with 7+ lust.

(1 edit) (+1)

I like the game very mutch and i have an idea for the game but i think you woud not like it...reply if you want to know what is the idea...

(2 edits)

Doesn't hurt to suggest it if you'd like.  I'm more likely to add features that make playing the game easier/less tedious/improve quality of life instead of major changes to the core game like what vore type is happening, but depends on what you're thinking.  

For example, I have portrait mode ready for Android when next release comes out.  Some obvious things I don't really think of unless someone else mentions it.

(1 edit)

So...the idea is that...amelia the preds while they are sleeping or ask fritria if she want to get swalowed by amelia(you can not eat the bear) but to do it with a pred you need:Max relation and everthing else (and have the willin prey)

You have to pay atention to your prey becouse you can be a good or a bad pred,if you are a bad pred like:not let they rest,not react when they rub etc...when the pray escape it will swalow you but if you are a good pred your pray can 50% chance they leave and 50% chance to stay so you can swallow them again.this is my idea i will undertand if you do not like it😊

(2 edits)

The idea is well and good, the main problem I have with major ideas like this is the scope of the game.  If the process was quicker and I had the time to work on big content things like this I'd be more open to it.  Realistically though, adding events related to your idea would likely double the time between updates.  Due to the nature of the game and how it's being made, everything is rather exact so in order to turn Amelia into a predator we're talking all new sets of images regarding internals, externals, swallowing, along with all the dialogue to describe what's happening.

I will be making this game open-source at the end once I'm done with it, so if someone likes where this game ends as a starting point and wants to add onto it they'd have my blessings.  I need to be careful with my time though, so I won't personally be adding this.

(1 edit)

Ok...sorry but...i am a mobile user so i can not make mods or use mods on the game... 


Nice game !

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